Friday, 1 February 2019

The investment craze - ICOs

For the last two years bitcoins and their ilk have dominated news, in particular financial news around the world.
So now we have a new concept. Initial coin offerings (ICOs). Are these financial innovations or reckless speculation?
An ICO does not get you equity in the firm concerned. 
An ICO is essentially a ledger entry. You can buy an entry (not in all countries); in a computer ledger issued by a start up company on the basis of an unregulated prospectus. 
An ICO is a way of raising capital without all the hassles of meeting regulatory requirements or the burden of paying interest to a banker.
Businesses are able to raise this way because investors hope that the coins will rise in value just like bitcoins. 
But the latter are different. 
Bitcoins are a form of digital currency that can be used in a variety of transactions.
The technology that underpins digital currencies is the blockchain technology. 
The blockchain is a secure decentralised ledger that everyone can inspect but no single user can control it.
Financial innovation or reckless speculation? Time will tell!

  Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2021 one half to David Card University of California, Berkeley, USA...