Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Solution to EQ - Quiz 2 - 2017-18

1. In 1776 the first modern work on economics was published. In it we find among many others the concepts of invisible hand and division of labour.

(a) What is the complete title of this book?

Ans: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

(b) Name the author.

Ans: Adam Smith

          (c) What is the nationality of the author? 

Ans: Scottish

2.       (a) Which famous economist is the author of the book "On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation"?

Ans: David Ricardo_

(b) Where was he born?

Ans: London

(c) Name the principle / concept of trade which he developed in this book.

Ans: Comparative cost advantage

 (David Ricardo, published "On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation" in 1817. In it he develops the idea that nations should produce what they are best at compared to other goods. From this specialization, along with freer trade, nations can increase the wealth of its producers and make goods more inexpensive for the consumer)

3. Who wrote the work "Das Kapital"?

Ans: Karl Marx

(The first volume was published in 1867. Marx's collaborator Friedrich Engels edited and released Volumes 2 & 3 after Marx's death.)

4. Who wrote the theory that International trade was zero sum game, therefore any gains in trade by one country would come at the expense of another?

Ans: Jean-Baptiste Colbert. Colbert was economic adviser for Louis XIV. During his tenure, France practiced a specific brand of mercantilism named Colbertism.

5.       (a)  Name the economists who developed the model of the Unholy Trinity?

Ans: Robert Mundell and Marcus Fleming

(b) What does Unholy Trinity refer to?

Ans : you cannot have a fixed exchange rate, capital restrictions and an independent monetary policy in an economy

(c) Why was this theory developed?

Ans: The model was developed to explain how a small open economy would react to the world economy.

6.       (a) According to the Hecksher-Ohlin model, what are the determinants of comparative advantage for different nations?

Ans: (a) factors of production

Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin stated that the relative endowments of individual factors of production (land, labor and capital) determined what a nation was good at making. (e.g. A country like China with large endowments of labor would have a comparative advantage in goods that needed large amounts of labor input.)

(b) What was the nationality of Heckscher and Ohlin?

Ans:    Eli Heckscher: Swedish; Bertil Ohlin: Swedish (was Heckscher’s student)

7.       (a) Name the economists who wrote the theorem that as the price of a good rises the return on the factor of production most heavily invested in the good's production will also rise?

Ans: Wolfgang Stolper and Paul Samuelson

(b) In which year was the theorem published?

Ans: 1941

(c) From which model was the theorem derived?

Ans: Stolper-Samuelson theorem derived their theorem from the Hecksher-Ohlin model. They predicted that holders of the abundant factor of production would be the most pro-free trade as they would receive larger returns on their input.

8.       (a) Name the book which was published in 1936 which theorized that  to achieve "full employment" of labor and capital, government should spend even to the extent of  a budget deficit, so as to increase the "aggregate demand" on goods and services.

Ans:"The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money"

(b) Who was the author of this book? 

Ans: John Maynard Keynes

9. Which economist is credited with influencing Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher with his book "The Road to Serfdom"?

Ans: Friedrich Hayek

In his 1944 work, Hayek argued that any sort of "planning" by the government in economics will eventually lead to the rule of the few, those who do the planning, over the many, who eventually become nothing more than serfs to the few.

10.     (a) Who wrote the book "Capitalism and Freedom"?

Ans: Milton Friedman

(b) What is the main argument of this book?

Ans: Milton Friedman states that the government, despite good intentions, often does more harm than good upon entering the economic arena, and therefore should stay out of it whenever possible.

Top scorers: In first place Arnold D'Sa (20 1/2), FYBCom,
                     In second place Elton Fernandes (18), FYBCom and
                     A tie at the third place with 16 1/2; Rishika and Samantha from FYBCom,
                                                                              and Chong and Warren from FYBA.

From TYBA THE INTREPID TRIO, Fatema and Marc with 20, Ibrat with 17.


  Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2021 one half to David Card University of California, Berkeley, USA...